C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Expanding Wildcard Arguments
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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     You can use the wildcard characters──the question mark (?) and
     the asterisk (*)──to specify filename and path arguments on
     the command line.
     Command-line arguments are handled by a routine called _setargv,
     which by default does not expand wildcards into separate strings
     in the argv string array. You can replace the normal _setargv with
     a more powerful version that does handle wildcards by linking
     with the SETARGV.OBJ file. See the example program TYPEIT.C for
     an example of wildcard processing.
     You can link with SETARGV.OBJ in the PWB environment by adding
     SETARGV.OBJ to the program list for your program. You must specify
     the complete path or put SETARGV.OBJ in the current directory.
     You must also turn off the Extended Dictionary flag within the
     PWB environment, or use the /NOE linker option outside the
     environment. For example,
          cl typeit.c setargv /link /NOE
     See your DOS user's guide if you are unfamiliar with wildcard
     characters. Enclosing an argument in quotation marks (" ")
     suppresses wildcard expansion. Within quoted arguments, you
     can represent quotation marks literally by preceding the
     double-quotation-mark character with a backslash (\).
     If no matches are found for the wildcard argument, the argument
     is passed literally.
     See also: Suppressing Command-Line Processing
               Parsing Command-Line Arguments