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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Include:   <pgchart.h>
  Context:   _pg_chart and other chart functions.
  typedef struct
      short charttype;         // _PG_BARCHART, _PG_COLUMNCHART,
                               //   _PG_LINECHART, _PG_SCATTERCHART,
                               //   _PG_PIECHART
      short chartstyle;        // Style for selected chart type
      _windowtype chartwindow; // Window definition for overall chart
      _windowtype datawindow;  // Window definition for data part of chart
      _titletype maintitle;    // Main chart title
      _titletype subtitle;     // Chart subtitle
      _axistype xaxis;         // Definition for X axis
      _axistype yaxis;         // Definition for Y axis
      _legendtype legend;      // Definition for legend
  } _chartenv;