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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Keyword:   class
  Syntax:    class [models] [tag [: base-list]]
                       } [declarators];
             [ class ] tag declarators;
  Summary:   Declares a class type or defines an object of a class
  See also:  struct, union, public, private, protected
             Memory Models
     The elements of a class definition are as follows:
     Element        Description
     <models>       Specifies the default memory model for
                    objects of the class type: __near, __far,
                    or __huge.
     <tag>          Names the class type. The tag becomes a
                    reserved word within the scope of the class.
     <base-list>    Specifies the class(es) from which the class
                    is derived (its base classes). Each base
                    class's name can be preceded by an access
                    specifier (public, protected, private)
                    and the virtual keyword.
                    See: virtual
                    Access Specifiers
     <member-list>  Declares members or friends of the class.
                    Members can include data, functions, nested
                    classes, enums, bit fields, and type names.
                    Friends can include functions or classes.
                    Explicit data initialization is not
                    allowed. A class type cannot contain
                    itself as a nonstatic member. It can
                    contain a pointer or a reference
                    to itself.
                    See: virtual
                    Access Specifiers
     <declarators>  Declares one or more objects of the class