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lconv Structure
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Include:  <locale.h>
  Context:  localeconv
  struct lconv
      char *decimal_point;      // Nonmonetary decimal-point character
      char *thousands_sep;      // Nonmonetary digit-group separator
      char *grouping;           // Nonmonetary digit-group size
      char *int_curr_symbol;    // International currency symbol
      char *currency_symbol;    // Current locale currency symbol
      char *mon_decimal_point;  // Monetary decimal-point character
      char *mon_thousands_sep;  // Monetary digit-group separator
      char *mon_grouping;       // Monetary digit-group size
      char *positive_sign;      // Nonnegative monetary sign
      char *negative_sign;      // Negative monetary sign
      char int_frac_digits;     // International monetary fractional
                                //   digits
      char frac_digits;         // Monetary fractional digits
      char p_cs_precedes;       // Nonnegative currency-symbol placement
      char p_sep_by_space;      // Nonnegative currency-symbol separator
      char n_cs_precedes;       // Negative currency-symbol placement
      char n_sep_by_space;      // Negative currency-symbol separator
      char p_sign_posn;         // Sign placement in nonnegative monetary
                                //   value
      char n_sign_posn;         // Sign placement in negative monetary
                                //   value
     NOTE: The char * members of the struct are pointers to strings.
           Any of these (other than char *decimal_point) that equals
           "" is either of zero length or is not supported in the
           current locale. The char members of the struct are
           nonnegative numbers. Any of these that equals CHAR_MAX is
           not supported in the current locale.
     The values for grouping and mon_grouping are interpreted according
     to the following rules:
     Value        Interpretation
     CHAR_MAX     No further grouping is to be performed.
     0            The previous element is to be repeatedly used for
                  the remainder of the digits.
     n            The integer value n is the number of digits that
                  makes up the current group. The next element is
                  examined to determine the size of the next group
                  of digits before the current group.
     The values for int_curr_symbol are interpreted according to the
     following rules:
        ■ The first three characters specify the alphabetic
          international currency symbol as defined in the ISO 4217
          Codes for the Representation of Currency and Funds standard.
        ■ The fourth character (immediately preceding the null
          character) is the character used to separate the
          international currency symbol from the monetary quantity.
     The values for p_cs_precedes and n_cs_precedes are interpreted
     according to the following rules (the n_cs_precedes rule is in
     Value     Interpretation
     0         The currency symbol follows the value for a
               nonnegative (negative) formatted monetary value.
     1         The currency symbol precedes the value for a
               nonnegative (negative) formatted monetary value.
     The values for p_sep_by_space and n_sep_by_space are interpreted
     according to the following rules (the n_sep_by_space rule is in
     Value     Interpretation
     0         The currency symbol is separated from the value by a
               space for a nonnegative (negative) formatted monetary
     1         There is no space separation between the currency symbol
               and the value for a nonnegative (negative) formatted
               monetary value.
     The values for p_sign_posn and n_sign_posn are interpreted
     according to the following rules:
     Value     Interpretation
     0         Parentheses surround the quantity and currency symbol.
     1         The sign string precedes the quantity and currency
     2         The sign string follows the quantity and currency
     3         The sign string immediately precedes the currency symbol.
     4         The sign string immediately follows the currency symbol.