C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The _grstatus function returns the status of the most recently
     used graphics function. The _grstatus function can be used
     immediately following a call to a graphics routine to determine
     if errors or warnings were generated. Return values less than 0
     are errors, and values greater than 0 are warnings.
     The following manifest constants are defined in the GRAPH.H
     header file for use with the _grstatus function:
     Value   Constant               Meaning
      0     _GROK                   Success
     -1     _GRERROR                Graphics error
     -2     _GRMODENOTSUPPORTED     Requested video mode not supported
     -3     _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      Requested routine works only in
                                    certain video modes
     -4     _GRINVALIDPARAMETER     One or more parameters invalid
     -5     _GRFONTFILENOTFOUND     No matching font file found
     -6     _GRINVALIDFONTFILE      One or more font files invalid
     -7     _GRCORRUPTEDFONTFILE    One or more font files inconsistent
     -8     _GRINSUFFICIENTMEMORY   Not enough memory to allocate
                                    buffer or to complete a fill
     -9     _GRINVALIDIMAGEBUFFER   Image buffer data inconsistent
      1     _GRNOOUTPUT             Nothing drawn
      2     _GRCLIPPED              Output was clipped to viewport
      3     _GRPARAMETERALTERED     One or more input parameters was
                                    altered to be within range, or
                                    pairs of parameters were
                                    interchanged to be in the proper
     After a graphics call, use an if statement to compare the return
     value of _grstatus to _GROK. For example:
          if( _grstatus < _GROK )
              /* handle graphics error */;
     The functions listed below cannot give errors, and they all set
     _grstatus to _GROK:
     _displaycursor                 _getvideoconfig
     _getactivepage                 _getvisualpage
     _getbkcolor                    _outmem
     _getgtextvector                _outtext
     _gettextcolor                  _unregisterfonts
     _gettextposition               _wrapon
     The functions below are for graphics or text modes only. They
     set _grstatus to _GRNOTINPROPERMODE if in an incompatible mode;
     otherwise to _GROK:
     _getcolor                      _getwritemode
     _getcurrentposition...         _imagesize...
     _getlinestyle                  _moveto
     _getphyscoord                  _setlinestyle
     _gettextcursor                 _settextcursor
     _getviewcoord...               _setvieworg
     Other functions are listed below with the error or warning
     messages they produce for _grstatus.
     Function              Possible                Possible
                           _grstatus               _grstatus
                           Error Codes             Warning Codes
     _arc functions        _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT,
                           _GRINVALIDPARAMETER,    _GRCLIPPED
     _clearscreen          _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,
     _ellipse functions    _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT,
                           _GRINVALIDPARAMETER,    _GRCLIPPED
     _floodfill functions  _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT
     _getarcinfo           _GRERROR,
     _getfillmask          _GRERROR,
     _getfontinfo          _GRERROR
     _getgtextextent       _GRERROR
     _getgtextvector       _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _getimage fundtions   _GRERROR,               _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _getpixel functions   _GRERROR,
     _lineto functions     _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRNOOUTPUT,
     _outgtext             _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRCLIPPED,
     _pie functions        _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT,
                           _GRINVALIDPARAMETER,    _GRCLIPPED
     _polygon functions    _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRNOOUTPUT,
                           _GRINVALIDPARAMETER     _GRCLIPPED
     _putimage functions   _GRERROR,               _GRPARAMETERALTERED,
                           _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT
     _rectangle functions  _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRNOOUTPUT,
                           _GRINVALIDPARAMETER,    _GRCLIPPED
     _registerfonts        _GRCORRUPTEDFONTFILE,
     _remappalette         _GRERROR,
     _remapallpalette      _GRERROR,
     _scrolltextwindow                             _GRNOOUTPUT
     _selectpalette        _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,
     _setactivepage        _GRINVALIDPARAMETER
     _setbkcolor           _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setcliprgn           _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setcolor             _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setfont              _GRERROR,               _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setgtextvector                               _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setpixel functions   _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRNOOUTPUT
     _settextcolor                                 _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _settextposition                              _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _settextwindow                                _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setvideomode         _GRERROR,
     _setvideomoderows     _GRERROR,
     _setviewport          _GRNOTINPROPERMODE      _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setvisualpage        _GRINVALIDPARAMETER
     _setwindow            _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,     _GRPARAMETERALTERED
     _setwritemode         _GRNOTINPROPERMODE,