C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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_heap... Constants
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
             _HEAPEND, _HEAPOK
  Include:   <malloc.h>
  Context:   _heapchk, _heapset, _heapwalk
  Summary:   Return value indicating status of the heap.
     The meaning of the constants is listed below:
     Constant          Meaning
     _HEAPBADBEGIN     The initial header information was not found,
                       or it was invalid.
     _HEAPBADNODE      A bad node was found, or the heap is damaged.
     _HEAPBADPTR       The _pentry field of the _HEAPINFO structure
                       does not contain a valid pointer into the heap
                       (_heapwalk routines only).
     _HEAPEMPTY        The heap has not been initialized.
     _HEAPEND          The end of the heap was reached successfully
                       (_heapwalk routines only).
     _HEAPOK           The heap is consistent (_heapset and _heapchk
                       routines only).
                       The heap is OK so far, and the _HEAPINFO
                       structure contains information about the next
                       entry (_heapwalk routines only).