C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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─────C/C++ Language─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
  Keyword:   __stdcall
  Syntax:    __stdcall declarator
  Summary:   Specifies that the arguments of the designated function
             are pushed right to left and that an underscore is
             prepended to the name. The __stdcall operator is
             functionally similar to __cdecl, except that no underscore
             is prepended to the function name.
  See also:  /Gc, /Gd, /Gz, /Zc
             __cdecl, __interrupt, __loadds, __pascal, __syscall
     If a prototype for the function exists and takes a fixed
     number of arguments, the callee pops the stack; otherwise, the
     caller pops the stack.
     If a function is marked as __stdcall and has a variable number of
     arguments, it is implemented as __cdecl. If a Pascal function has
     a variable number of arguments, the compiler reports an error.
     The calling convention specified in a prototype or a declaration
     overrides any convention specified by a command-line switch.