C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Math Functions
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
   The following functions control math operations:
   abs           _dieeetomsbin      j0 *, j1 *, jn *     _rotl
   acos *         div               labs                 _rotr
   asin *        _dmsbintoieee      ldexp *               sin *
   atan *         exp *             ldiv                  sinh *
   atan2 *        fabs *            log *                 sqrt *
   bessel        _fieeetomsbin      log10 *               srand
  _cabs *         floor *          _lrotl                _status87
   ceil *         fmod *           _lrotr                 tan *
  _clear87       _fmsbintoieee     _matherr *             tanh *
  _control87     _fpreset           modf *                y0 *, y1 *, yn *
   cos *          frexp *           pow *
   cosh *        _hypot *           rand
   NOTE: Starred functions (*) have long double versions ending with
         the letter 'l' (for example, _tanl for tan). Beginning with
         Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0, the long double math functions
         begin with an underscore (_) for ANSI compatibility. For
         example, the long double version of acos is _acosl.