C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
mbstowcs, _fmbstowcs
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The mbstowcs function converts <count> or fewer multibyte
     characters pointed to by <mbstr> to a string of corresponding
     wide characters that are determined by the current locale. It
     stores the resulting wide-character string at the address
     represented by <wcstr>. The result is similiar to a series of
     calls to the mbtowc function.
     If mbstowcs encounters the null character ('\0') either before or
     when <count> occurs, it converts the null character to a
     wide-character null character (L'\0') and stops. Thus, the
     wide-character string at <wcstr> is null-terminated only if a null
     character is encountered during conversion. If the sequences
     pointed to by <wcstr> and <mbstr> overlap, the behavior is
     The _fmbstowcs function is a model-independent (large-model) form
     of the mbstowcs function. It can be called from any point in
     any program.
     Return Value
     If mbstowcs or _fmbstowcs successfully converts the <source>
     string, it returns the number of converted multibyte characters.
     If either function encounters an invalid multibyte character, it
     returns -1. If the return value is <count>, the wide-character
     string is not null-terminated.