C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
_lineto, _lineto_w
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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
     The _lineto functions draw a line from the current position up to
     and including the destination point. The destination point for the
     _lineto function is given by the view-coordinate point (<x>, <y>).
     The destination point for the _lineto_w function is given by the
     window-coordinate point (<wx>, <wy>).
     The _lineto_w function is implemented as a macro.
     The line is drawn using the current color, logical write mode, and
     line style. If no error occurs, _lineto sets the current position
     to the view point (<x>, <y>); _lineto_w sets the current position
     to the window point (<wx>, <wy>).
     If you use _floodfill to fill in a closed figure drawn with
     _lineto calls, the figure must be drawn with a solid line-style
     Return Value
     The _lineto and _lineto_w functions return a nonzero value if the
     line is drawn successfully; otherwise, they return 0.