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─────Run-Time Library───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
/* FILL.C illustrates color, filling, and linestyle functions including:
 *    _setlinestyle      _setfillmask       _setcolor
 *    _getlinestyle      _floodfill                               (DOS-only)
 * The _getfillmask function is not shown, but its use is similar to
 * _getlinestyle.
#include <conio.h>
#include <graph.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
void main()
    short x, y, xinc, yinc, xwid, ywid;
    unsigned char fill[8];
    struct _videoconfig vc;
    unsigned seed = (unsigned)time( NULL ); /* Different seed each time   */
    short i, color;
    if( !_setvideomode( _MAXRESMODE ) )     /* Find a valid graphics mode */
        exit( 1 );                          /* No graphics available      */
    _getvideoconfig( &vc );
    xinc = vc.numxpixels / 8;               /* Size variables to mode     */
    yinc = vc.numypixels / 8;
    xwid = (xinc / 2) - 4;
    ywid = (yinc / 2) - 4;
    /* Draw circles and lines with different patterns. */
    for( x = xinc; x <= (vc.numxpixels - xinc); x += xinc )
        for( y = yinc; y <= (vc.numypixels - yinc); y += yinc )
            /* Vary random seed, randomize fill and color. */
            srand( seed = (seed + 431) * 5 );
            for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
                fill[i] = (unsigned char)rand();
            _setfillmask( fill );
            color = (rand() % vc.numcolors) + 1;
            _setcolor( color );
            /* Draw ellipse and fill with random color. */
            _ellipse( _GBORDER, x - xwid, y - ywid, x + xwid, y + ywid );
            _setcolor( (rand() % vc.numcolors) + 1 );
            _floodfill( x, y, color );
            /* Draw vertical and horizontal lines. Vertical line style
             * is the opposite of (NOT) horizontal style. Since lines are
             * overdrawn with several line styles, this has the effect of
             * combining colors and styles.
            _setlinestyle( rand() );
            _moveto( 0, y + ywid + 4 );
            _lineto( vc.numxpixels - 1, y + ywid + 4 );
            _setlinestyle( ~_getlinestyle() );
            _moveto( x + xwid + 4, 0 );
            _lineto( x + xwid + 4, vc.numypixels - 1 );
    _setvideomode( _DEFAULTMODE );