C Language and Libraries Help (clang.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Transferring Interrupt Control
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     An interrupt handler can transfer control to a second interrupt
     routine in either of two ways:
        ■ Call the interrupt routine (after casting it to an interrupt
          handler if necessary) if you need to do further processing
          after the second interrupt routine finishes. For example:
              void __interrupt __far new_int()
                  // Initial processing here
                  ∙ ∙ ∙
                  ∙ ∙ ∙
                  // Final processing here
        ■ Call _chain_intr with the interrupt routine as an argument.
          Do this if your routine is finished and you want the second
          interrupt routine to terminate the interrupt call. For
              void __interrupt __far new_int()
                  ∙ ∙ ∙
                   // Initial processing here
                  ∙ ∙ ∙
                   // This is never executed
                   _chain_intr( old_int );
     An interrupt handler should avoid calling the standard library
     functions, especially functions that rely on either INT 21H calls
     or BIOS calls. Functions that rely on INT 21H calls include I/O
     functions and _dosxxx functions. Functions that rely on the BIOS
     include graphics functions and _biosxxx functions.
     It may be safe to use functions that do not rely on INT 21H or
     BIOS, such as string-handling functions. Before calling a standard
     library function in an interrupt handler, be sure that you are
     familiar with the library function and what it does.