cobol1.hlp (Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Screen Description Entry (↑ Statements)
 Key                                       Up Contents Index Back
  Construct:    Screen Description Entry
  Function:     Reserves and names an area of the screen for displaying
                or accepting an item of data, and describes the data to
                be displayed or accepted there.
       └─BLANK─┬─LINE───┤ ├─BELL─┤ └─BLINK─┘ └─ERASE─┬─EOL─┬─┘
               └─SCREEN─┘ └─BEEP─┘                   └─EOS─┘
       └─REVERSE-VIDEO─┘ └─UNDERLINE─┘  └─SIZE─┬──┬─┬─identifier-1─┬┘
                                               └IS┘ └─integer-1────┘
               └NUMBER┘└IS┘ ├─PLUS─┤ └─integer-2────┘
                            ├─ + ──┤
                            └─ - ──┘
        └─COL────┘ └┬──────┬┬──┬─┬──────┬─┬─identifier-3─┬┘
                    └NUMBER┘└IS┘ ├─PLUS─┤ └─integer-3────┘
                                 ├─ + ──┤
                                 └─ - ──┘
        └─FOREGROUND-COLOUR─┘ └IS┘ └─identifier-4─┘
        └─BACKGROUND-COLOUR─┘ └IS┘ └─identifier-5─┘
       └─CONTROL─┬──┬─identifier-6─┘ └┬───────────┬─literal-1─┘
                 └IS┘                 └─VALUE─┬──┬┘
        └─PIC─────┘ └IS┘
              │└─FROM─┬─identifier-7─┬┘└─TO identifier-8─┘│
              │       └─literal-2────┘                    │
              └──USING identifier-9───────────────────────┘
       └─BLANK─┬────┬┬─ZERO───┬─┘   └┬─JUSTIFIED─┬─┬─────┬─┘
               └WHEN┘├─ZEROS──┤      └─JUST──────┘ └RIGHT┘
        └─SIGN─┬──┬┘ └─TRAILING─┘ └─SEPARATE─┬─────────┬┘
               └IS┘                          └CHARACTER┘
       └┬─AUTO──────┬┘   └┬─SECURE──┬┘   └┬─REQUIRED────┬┘
        └─AUTO-SKIP─┘     └─NO-ECHO─┘     └─EMPTY-CHECK─┘
                 └CHARACTER┘└IS┘ └─literal-3─────┘
       └─OCCURS integer-6─┬─────┬─┘  └┬─FULL────────┬┘  └─ZERO-FILL──┘
                          └TIMES┘     └─LENGH-CHECK─┘