cobol1.hlp (Topic list)
Introduction to Logic Routines
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     These routines carry out logic operations on bits. Apart from
     CBL_NOT, all these operations have two operands.
     With CBL_NOT, if target is no longer than eight bytes, the compiler
     optimizes by producing inline code instead of calling the
     routine. With the two-operand routines, the compiler does this if
     source and target are the same length and each is no longer than
     eight bytes.
     In the two-operand routines, interchanging the two operands,
     source and target, does not change the result except in CBL_IMP.
     However, the result is always stored in the second operand, target.
     If length is longer than either data item, bytes following that
     data item will be used, up to the length specified.
     The parameter length can be replaced by the syntax:
           LENGTH OF source
       or  LENGTH OF target
     assuming all the bytes of the data item are to be used.