◄Key► ◄Summary► ◄Up► ◄Contents► ◄Index► ◄Back► ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Description: Updates to any shared memory allocated to this function are NOT serialized or protected by the Run-Time System; you should use semaphores to maintain the integrity of the data. Non-shared memory is owned by the program that created it, and is released when the program is canceled. Shared memory is owned by the coru; it is released when the coru is terminated. Parameters on Entry: memsize The number of bytes of memory to allocate. flags bit 0 (x"01"): Setting this bit to zero means that memory is to be non-shared; setting it to one means that memory is to be shared. The default is non-shared. bit 1 (x"02"): Setting this bit to zero means that the allocated memory is relocatable under the DOS run-time system; setting it to one means that the allocated memory is fixed. This bit has no effect on UNIX or OS/2. The default is relocatable. Parameters on Exit: mem-pointer A pointer to the memory returned. mem-pointer must be a 01-level data item. -♦-