cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Key (↑ Command Lines)
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     The syntax of the command lines for the components is shown using
     diagrams called "railroad tracks", in which the component-name
     and its options are shown joined by lines indicating the order
     they should be written in. You read these diagrams left-to-right.
     Each diagram starts with  and ends with . Sometimes the track
     forks to show alternatives and then joins up again. The length of
     a track has no significance.
     The topic you see when you select a component is its Summary,
     showing its function, command line syntax, and a very brief
     description of its parameters. On the button bar is a button to
     toggle between Summary and Details. The Details describe the
     parameters fully and give additional information. If this is not
     needed the Details topic is blank.