cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
USER-SESSION Details (↑ Animator Directives)
 Key Summary                             Up Contents Index Back
     The possible values of session are:
       current       Same session as Animator.
       full-screen   Separate OS/2 full screen session.
       pm            As a Presentation Manager application.
       windowed      Separate OS/2 windowed session.
     This is only relevant on OS/2.
     If the selected session is not "current" and NOUSER-MACHINE is
     specified (or default), this directive makes Animator start a
     cross-session animation. If USER-MACHINE is specified, this
     directive specifies the session to be activated on the user
     machine. For any session other than "current" the user machine
     must be running OS/2.
     In all cases, the user program is started by Animator. If it is
     running in a different session, then the session is also started
     by Animator.
     With USER-SESSION "PM" the default for HOLDVIEW is HOLDVIEW "4".
     See also HOLDVIEW