cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Introduction to Switches (↑ RTS Switches)
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     When you run a program you can set switches to control its
     behavior. These are called run-time switches, or Run-Time System
     (RTS) switches. Most affect the behavior of COBOL features. A
     few are for explicit reference by the program; these are called
     the COBOL programmable switches.
     You enter the switches either on the command line or in the
     environment variable COBSW before you run your program. They
     remain set during subprograms. Switch settings on the
     command line take precedence over those in COBSW.
     The syntax for setting switches on the command line is:
         ({ {+|-|/}s }...)
     To set switches in COBSW use the following O/S command:
         SET COBSW={ {+|-|/}s }...
     The notation used above is as follows:
         { | }          Choose one of the items either side of the |.
         {   }...       You can repeat this item.
     s is a switch. + sets it on, - sets it off. It can be a digit,
     a letter (upper- or lower-case), or a letter followed by a digit
     in the range 0 through 7. A letter is equivalent to the same
     letter followed by the digit 0. For example B, b, B0, b0 all
     refer to the same switch.
     For example, the command:
         MYPROG (+T-K1+F)
     loads program MYPROG with switches T and F on and K1 off.
     Switches preceded with / are known as numeric switches. These are a
     single letter followed by an integer with value 0 thru 65535. You
     use these switches to set certain variable quantities used by the
     run-time system.