cobol2.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
COBOL Compiler Index - S
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──COBOL Compiler Index──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
    S                        /S - Default Stack Size switch
    S5                       Use ANSI.SYS-compatible console I/O
    S6                       DISPLAY ... UPON CRT attributes behavior
    SAA                      Systems App. Arch.
    SCREENS                  Screen painter
    SEG                      Allow segmentation
    SEGCROSS                 Params on segments
    SEGSIZE                  Automatic segmentation
    SEQCHK                   Check line numbers
    SEQUENTIAL               Variants of SEQ org
    SETTING                  Print directives
    SHOW-DIR                 Print dir' files
    SHOWSHUFFLE              Show results of 01SHUFFLE
    SIGN                     Included signs
    SIGNCOMPARE              EBCDIC numeric comparisons
    SMALLDD                  Params in segments
    SOURCE-EXT               Source ext for CodeView
    SOURCEASM                Source in assembly listing
    SOURCEFORMAT             Allow free format source code
    SPZERO                   Space = zero in nums
    SQL                      SQL
                             Allow EXEC SQL statements
    SQLACCESS                Name of access plan
    SQLBIND                  Name of bind file
    SQLBLOCK                 Record blocking method
    SQLDB                    Name of database
    SQLDB2                   Mainframe compatibility
    SQLECSPP                 HOST Compatibility for SQL
    SQLFORMAT                Mainframe compatibility
    SQLINIT                  Initialize & log on
    SQLISOLATION             Isolation level
    SQLNOT                   Specifying the NOT character (¬)
    SQLPASS                  Give password
    SQLPRE                   Animate SQL programs
    SQLPROT                  Protect the database
    SQLSTDLVL                Standards level of database manager
    STDERR                   Echo errors to STDERR not STDOUT (console)
    STICKY-LINKAGE           Keep params linked
    STICKY-PERFORM           Returns from PERFORM
    STRUCT                   For Structure Animator
    SUPFF                    No page-headings
    switches                 RTS switches
    SYMBSTART                Numbering in SYMBOLIC
    SYSIN                    Map ACCEPT, DISPLAY and EXHIBIT to files