cobol3.hlp (Topic list)
Message 0217 (↑ Syntax Messages)
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  Message:      0217
  Text:         Preceding item at this level has zero length
  Explanation:  You have defined a data item but have failed to give
                it a size, either by not using a PICTURE clause in
                conjunction with it, or, if it is a group item, by
                failing to define any elementary items to go with it. If you
                enter something similar to:
                   01 my-data-item.
                   01 prog-data-item   pic x.
                you will receive this message after prog-data-item
                because, although it is my-data-item that is in error, the
                error is detected only when the next item at the same
                level as the data-item in error is encountered.
  Resolution:   Add the necessary PICTURE clause or elementary items to
                the level hierarchy.