cobol3.hlp (Topic list)
Key (↑ Code Generation Messages)
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     These messages are output when the compiler is producing
     generated code. Some are environment dependent, so your
     particular environment may not support them all. This On-line
     Reference lists the text and severity of each message, explains
     the error or problem that causes the message, and gives advice on
     how to prevent it.
     They have the following format:
         *nnn-S code message
         nnn is the message number;
         S is one of the following severity codes:
         F         Fatal. In the unlikely event that one of these errors
                   occurs, you will probably have to contact Technical
                   Support to solve the problem.
         R         Recoverable. This will halt code generation,
                   as you must correct the error.
         C         Cautionary. This tells you either that you have
                   specified an invalid combination of directives or
                   that PERFORM statements cannot be optimized. It
                   does not not halt code generation or prevent the
                   generated code being executed.