CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Configuring CodeView in TOOLS.INI
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     The TOOLS.INI file allows you to configure CodeView and other
     Microsoft utilities (including the Programmer's WorkBench) to your
     particular requirements. You can do this by assigning values to
     entries in the TOOLS.INI file.
     Precede the list of CodeView entries with the tag
          [CV CVP CVW]
     This tag indicates that the entries apply to CV.EXE (the real-mode
     version of CodeView), CVP.EXE (the protected-mode version of
     CodeView), and CVW.EXE (the Windows version of CodeView). To apply
     different configurations to each, use separate tags as shown
               ;(DOS debugging options)
               ;(OS/2 debugging options)
               ;(Windows debugging options)
     You can set the following entries in TOOLS.INI:
     Entry                   Action
     autostart:commands      Executes the given command-window
                             <commands> when CodeView first starts up.
                             Commands must be separated by semicolons
     color:name value        Specifies the color for parts of CodeView
                             windows and menus where <name> is the
                             window or menu part and <value> is the
                             color value.
                             See: Color Names
                                  Color Values
     helpbuffer:size         Amount of memory, in kilobytes (K),
                             available for decompressing help files.
                             The <size> can be 0 if you are not using
                             any help. You may want to use a value of 0
                             to maximize the amount of memory available
                             for debugging if you are running CodeView
                             under DOS without expanded or extended
                             Otherwise, give a value between 24 and
                             256. Values between 1 and 24 specify a 24K
                             buffer, values between 24 and 128 specify
                             128K, and values greater than 128 specify
                             Under DOS, the default size of the help
                             buffer is 24K. With a DOS extender, the
                             default is 64K.
     helpfiles:files         The names of help <files> used by
                             CodeView, separated by semicolons. These
                             files are searched before files given in
                             the HELPFILES environment variable.
                             If you do not give a full path with a
                             help-filename, CodeView looks in the path
                             given by the PATH environment variable to
                             find the help file.
     printfile:file          The <file> argument specifies the printer
                             port (LPT1, LPT2, or LPT3) or print-output
                             file used by the Print command on the File
                             menu. If omitted, CodeView prints to a
                             file named CODEVIEW.LST.
                             This entry does not apply to CVW and is
     statefileread:[y|n]     Reads or does not read the CodeView state
                             file. This file stores information about
                             breakpoints, watch expressions, window
                             configurations, and other aspects of your
                             last debugging session.
                             Specify y[es] to read the state file on
                             startup and n[o] to ignore it. CodeView
                             always saves its state on exit.
                             The setting of this entry can be toggled
                             from the command line with the Toggle
                             State File (/TSF) option.
                             See: Read or Ignore State File (/TSF)