CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
Dereferencing Memory Handles
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     Cast:    Local Handle Type Cast (lh)
              Global Handle Type Cast (gh)
     Syntax:  (lh)lhandle
     Summary: Converts a local or global memory handle to a near or
              far pointer.
     <lhandle>   Local memory handle of memory object to convert.
     <ghandle>   Global memory handle of memory object to convert.
     In a Windows program, the LocalLock and GlobalLock functions are
     used to convert memory handles into near or far pointers. You may
     know the handle of the memory object but might not know what near
     or far address it references unless you are debugging in an area
     where the program has just called LocalLock or GlobalLock.
     To get the near and far pointer addresses for local and global
     handles, use the (lh) and (gh) type casts. These casts are
     available only with the C expression evaluator.
     For example, you can use (lh) to reference the array in the
     following code:
          HANDLE hLocalMem;
          int near *pnArray;
          hLocalMem = LocalAlloc( LMEM_MOVEABLE, 100 );
          pnArray = LocalLock( hLocalMem );
          /* load values into the array */
          LocalUnlock( hLocalMem );
     To display the array, use the following command:
          dw (lh)hLocalMem
     If you set a breakpoint immediately after the LocalLock function,
     you can find out where the local object is allocated in the
     application data segment by looking at the value of the pnArray
     To display the value of pnArray, for example, use the following
          dw pnArray
     Note that you cannot rely on the value of pnArray anywhere else in
     the program because the pointer may change or the memory object
     may move.
     Displaying a String
     If the memory object is a string, you can display it using double
     type casting, as shown:
          HANDLE hGlobalMem;
          LPSTR  lpstr;
          hGlobalMem = GlobalAlloc( GMEM_MOVEABLE,  10L )
          lpstr = GlobalLock( hGlobalMem );
          lstrcpy( lpstr, "ABCDEF" );
          GlobalUnlock( hGlobalMem );
     You can display the contents of the string with the following
          ? *(char far*) (gh)lpstr,s
     The (gh) type cast returns a handle to the far address of the
     global memory object.