CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
File Menu: Open Module Command
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     The Open Module command opens one of the source files used to
     create the program you are debugging and reads that source file
     into the active Source window.
     ┌─────────── Open Module ───────────┐ ■ Source window where
     │        into Source Window #     ─┼─┘ module will be loaded
     │    ┌──────────────────────────┐   │
     │    │ module-1 ───────────────┼───┼─■ Select a module from
     │    │ module-2 :               │   │   this list box
     │    │ module-3 :               │   │
     │    │                          │ ┌─┼─■ Select to search path
     │    │                          │ │ │   in which program was
     │    │                          │ │ │   compiled for sources
     │    └──────────────────────────┘ │ │OR
     │  [ ] Search Compiled Path:─────┘ │ ■ Type pathname to be
     │  Search path: [·········]────────┼─┘ searched
                                           ■ Choose <OK>