CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Search Menu: Find Command
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     Use the Find command to search for the next occurrence of a text
     string in the active window. You can request
        ■ A whole word match (uppercase and lowercase, numeric 0-9,
          # and underscore symbols)
        ■ A general pattern search using regular expressions
     ┌────────────── Find ─────────────┐
     │ Find Text: [···············] ──┼ ■ Type text or pattern
     │                                 │   to find
     │  [ ] Whole Word          ───┐  │
     │  [ ] Case Insensitive        └──┼ ■ Select search criteria
     │  [ ] Regular Expression:        │
     │                                 │ ■ Choose <OK>
     See: Search Criteria
          Regular Expressions
          Search (/) Command-Window Command