CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Screen Swapping and Flipping (CV only)
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     Screen "flipping" uses the video-display pages of the graphics
     adapter to store each screen of text. Screen flipping is faster
     and uses less memory than screen "swapping," which stores the
     unused screen in an internal CodeView buffer. It also makes the
     screen scroll more smoothly during program execution.
     Screen flipping cannot be used to
        ■ Debug programs that write directly to video memory
        ■ Run CodeView with a monochrome display adapter
        ■ Debug programs that produce graphics or use video-display pages
        ■ Run CodeView on a non-IBM-compatible computer
     Under screen swapping, when you request the unused screen,
     CodeView swaps the screen in the display buffer for the one in the
     storage buffer. Screen swapping has none of the limitations of
     screen flipping, but it is slower and requires more memory.
     See: Swap Video Pages (/S, /F)