CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Quick Watch: Expanding/Contracting Items
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     The Quick Watch (??) command allows you to
        ■ Expand or contract nested structures and arrays
        ■ View variables, structures, or arrays addressed by pointers
        ■ Add any structure or array to the watch window
     Expandable items appear with a plus sign (+) in the Quick Watch
     dialog box. Once expanded, an item appears with a minus sign
     Expanding an item has the following effects:
     Item          Action
     Nested        Expands the structure so that the dialog box
     structure     displays each member of the nested structure.
     Pointer       "Dereferences" the pointer; that is, displays the
                   data that the pointer addresses.
     Array         Expands the array so that the dialog box displays
                   each element of the array.
     Contracting an item reverses the effects described above.
     NOTE: You can add any expression in the Quick Watch dialog box to
           the watch window by selecting the <Add Watch> button.