CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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     Syntax: [@]<register>
     A register name represents the current value stored in the
     register. These register names are known to CodeView:
     Type                       Register Names
     8-bit high byte            AH   BH   CH   DH
     8-bit low byte             AL   BL   CL   DL
     16-bit general purpose     AX   BX   CX   DX
     16-bit segment             CS   DS   SS   ES  FS  GS (command window)
     16-bit pointer             SP   BP   IP
     16-bit index               SI   DI
     32-bit general purpose     EAX  EBX  ECX  EDX
     32-bit pointer             ESP  EBP  IP
     32-bit index               ESI  EDI
     NOTE: In the real-mode version of CodeView (CV.EXE), if 386 mode
           is on, IP is a 32-bit register, but only 16 bits are used.
           See: Options Menu: 386-Mode Command
     To force a symbol to represent a register, prefix the symbol with
     an "at" sign (@). For example, to make the symbol 'ax' represent a
     register rather than a variable, use the symbol '@ax' instead.