CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Display Expression (Format Specifiers)
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     The table below lists the format specifiers used with the Display
     Expression (?) command.
  Character  Output Format                    Expression    Output
  d          Signed decimal integer           ?40000,d      -25536
  i          Signed decimal integer           ?40000,i      -25536
  u*         Unsigned decimal integer         ?40000,u      40000
  o          Unsigned octal integer           ?40000,o      116100
  x,X        Hexadecimal integer              ?40000,x      9c40
  f          Signed value, floating-point     ?3./2.,f      1.500000
             decimal format, six decimal
  e,E£       Signed value, scientific-        ?3./2.,e      1.500000e+00
             notation format, up to six
             decimal places, trailing zeros
             and decimal point truncated
  g,G£       Either e or f format,            ?3./2.,g      1.5
             whichever is more compact
             (default for floating-point
             numbers if no format
             specifier is given)
  c          Single character                 ?65,c         A
  s§         Characters printed up to         ?"String",s   String
             first null character
   * The FORTRAN and Basic languages have no unsigned data types.
     Using an unsigned format specifier has no effect on the output of
     positive numbers, but causes negative numbers to be output as
     positive values.
   £ The "E" in scientific notation is uppercase if the format is E or
     G and lowercase if the format is e or g.
   § The "s" string format is used only with the C expression
     evaluator; it prints characters up to the first null character
     (ASCII 0).