CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Selecting Text
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     You can copy text in any window and then paste the text into the
     command window. To use screen text as a command:
       1. Select text.
          Mouse: Move the mouse cursor to the beginning of the desired
                 text, hold the left mouse button down, drag the mouse
                 to the end of the desired text, and release the
          Keyboard: Move the cursor to the beginning of the desired
                    text, hold the SHIFT key down, move the cursor to
                    the end of the desired text, and release the SHIFT
       2. Press CTRL+INS, or choose the Copy command from the Edit
          menu, to copy the selected text to the clipboard.
       3. Press F6 to move the cursor to the command window.
       4. Press CTRL+END to go to the bottom of the command buffer.
       5. Press SHIFT+INS, or choose the Paste command from the Edit
          menu, to paste the selected text into the command window.
       6. Edit the command if desired, and press ENTER to execute it.
     See: Command Window
          Edit Menu: Paste Command
          Edit Menu: Copy Command