CodeView (cv.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Window Operations (Opening)
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    Opening Closing Resizing Maximizing Selecting Scrolling
┌────Click or press F1 on any button for a description of the operation.───┐
│ The first time you run CodeView, three windows open automatically:       │
│ the Local window, a Source window, and the command window. To open any   │
│ other window, choose the window name from the View menu.                 │
│                                                                          │
│ When you exit CodeView, the window state is saved in the CURRENT.STS     │
│ file. The next time you start up CodeView, you start with the same       │
│ window configuration.                                                    │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │
│                                                                          │