Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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void DeviceBitmapBits(lpBitmap, fGet, iStart, cScans, lpDIBits,
                      lpBitmapInfo, lpDrawMode, lpTranslate)
LPPDEVICE lpBitmap;          /* points to device-specific bitmap   */
WORD fGet;                   /* 0 to set bits, 1 to get bits       */
WORD iStart;                 /* starting scan line                 */
WORD cScans;                 /* number of scan lines to copy       */
LPSTR lpDIBits;              /* points to the bitmap bits          */
LPBITMAPINFO lpBitmapInfo;   /* points to bitmap information       */
LPDRAWMODE lpDrawMode;       /* points to drawing-mode information */
LPINT lpTranslate;           /* points to color-translation table  */
The DeviceBitmapBits function either copies device-independent bitmap to a
device-specific bitmap or copies a device-specific bitmap to a
device-independent bitmap. The fGet parameter specifies which operation to
carry out.
A graphics driver must export a DeviceBitmapBits function if the
RC_DI_BITMAP value is set in the dpRaster member of the driver's GDIINFO
Parameter     Description
lpBitmap      Points to a PBITMAP structure specifying a device-specific
              memory bitmap.
fGet          Specifies whether the function sets or retrieves bitmap bits.
              If this parameter is zero, the function sets the bits; if the
              parameter is 1, the function retrieves the bits.
iStart        Specifies the starting scan number.
cScans        Specifies the number of scans to set or retrieve.
lpDIBits      Points to a buffer that contains or receives the bitmaps bits.
              If the fGet parameter is zero, the function copies data from
              the buffer into the bitmap; if fGet is 1, the function copies
              the bits to the buffer from the bitmap. If the lpDIBits
              parameter is NULL, the function fills the biSizeImage member
              in the BITMAPINFO structure pointed to by the lpBitmapInfo
              parameter, but does not copy bitmap bits.
lpBitmapInfo  Points to a BITMAPINFO structure specifying the dimensions and
              format of the device-independent bitmap.
              The function must check the biPlanes and and biBitCount
              members. If biPlanes is not 1 or biBitCount is not 1, 4, 8, or
              24, the function returns an error.
              The function compares the widths of the device-specific bitmap
              and the device-independent bitmap. If the widths are not
              equal, the function clips to the smaller of the two bitmaps.
              If the RLE_FORMAT_4 or RLE_FORMAT_8 values are set in the
              biCompression member of the BITMAPINFO structure, the
              device-independent bitmap is in run-length-encoded (RLE)
              format. In this case, the function must encode each scan line
              as it copies the scan line data to the buffer pointed to by
              lpDIBits or the function must decode the data as it retrieves
              it from the buffer.
lpDrawMode    Points to a DRAWMODE structure specifying the text
              (foreground) and background colors to use if color conversion
              is required.
lpTranslate   Points to an array of color translation values for converting
              palette colors to actual device colors. This parameter is
              ignored by devices that do not use color palettes.
Return Value
The return value is the number of scan lines set or retrieved if the
function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero if there is an error or -1 if
the bits cannot be set or retrieved.
The export ordinal for this function is 19.
Depending on the operation specified by the fGet parameter,
DeviceBitmapBits either converts the bits pointed to by lpDIBits to the
format required by the bitmap specified by the lpBitmap parameter or
converts the bits pointed to by lpDIBits to the format required by lpBitmap.
To convert the bits, the function needs to compute the width and height of
the bitmap to copy, needs to determine if color conversion is necessary, and
needs to prepare for scan lines that cross the 64K boundaries.
DeviceBitmapBits checks the color formats of the bitmap specified by
lpBitmap and the device-independent bitmap specified by lpBitmapInfo. If the
color formats are not the same, the function must convert the bitmap pixels
to the same format as the destination. For example, if the function copies a
device-independent bitmap to a monochrome bitmap, the function must convert
color pixels to monochrome. In this case, DeviceBitmapBits converts all
pixels that match the background color (as specified by the lpDrawMode
parameter) to white (1), and converts all other pixels to black (0).
To prepare for color conversion when fGet is zero, the function maps
color-table information (if any) provided in the BITMAPINFO structure to the
device-specific colors. If the biClrUsed member is zero, the function must
use a default color table. The size of the default table depends on the
number of bits per pixel (that is, 16 colors for 4 bits-per-pixel, 256
colors for 8 bits-per-pixel, and so on). However, if biClrUsed is nonzero,
the member specifies the size of the table; this size cannot be more than
the default size. Since the default color table for a bitmap having 24 bits
per pixel is exceptionally large, the function carries out the color mapping
as it converts the bits rather than generating a table.
To prepare for color conversion when fGet is 1, the function creates the
logical-color table and copies it to the BITMAPINFO structure. If the device
driver does not support a color palette, the function fills the
logical-color table with whatever color it supports and use the
corresponding indexes in the bitmap. It must also set the number of colors
it is using in the biClrUsed member of the BITMAPINFO structure. For
example, if the display device is a 4-plane device (16 colors) but the
request is for a device-independent bitmap that has 8 bits-per-pixel (256
colors), the function can specify just 16 colors and set the biClrUsed
member to 16, or it can set remaining colors (entries 16 through 255) to
zero and set the biClrUsed member to zero.
See Also