Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct tagEXTPAINTSTRUCT {
    PAINTSTRUCT     Pstruct;
    RECT            PGVDRect;
    WORD            HScrlPos;
    WORD            VScrlPos;
    WORD            ColOrg;
    WORD            RowOrg;
    DWORD           VM1_Hnd;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    DefFont;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt1;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt2;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt3;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt4;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt5;
    PNTFONTSTRUC    AltFnt6;
    WORD            WhtBrshH;
    WORD            BlkBrshH;
    WORD            RNG1DSSEL;
    DWORD           ShellCall;
    BYTE            GGrbArea[GLOBALGRBSIZEMAX];
    RECT            PTVDRect;
    WORD            TDXpos;
    WORD            TDYpos;
    WORD            FntHgt;
    WORD            FntWid;
    DWORD           ThisVMHand;
    WORD            WindHand;
    WORD            BoxPrntHand;
    WORD            hThisInst;
    TTYSelect       SelStruc;
    BYTE            EPDispMod[VDD_MOD_MAX];
    BYTE            EPGrabDTA[VDD_CTRL_STATE_MAX];
    DWORD           EPStatusFlags;
    BYTE            VerStrng[8];
The EXTPAINTSTRUC structure contains information about the state of the
display, including display modes and selection rectangles.