Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD EngineGetCharWidth(lpFontInfo, wFirstChar, wLastChar, lpWidths)
LPFONTINFO lpFontInfo;   /* points to engine font       */
WORD wFirstChar;         /* first character in range    */
WORD wLastChar;          /* last character in range     */
LPINT lpWidths;          /* buffer for character widths */
The EngineGetCharWidth function returns, for the specified font, the widths
of the characters within the given range.
Import Module.Ordinal: GDI.303.
Parameter   Description
lpFontInfo  Points to a FONTINFO structure specifying an engine font. The
            structure must have been previously filled using the
            EngineRealizeFont function.
wFirstChar  Specifies the first character in the range.
wLastChar   Specifies the last character in the range.
lpWidths    Points to the array that receives the character width values.
            The number of elements in the array must be at least the same
            number as characters in the specified character range.
Return Value
This function returns 1 if it successfully retrieved the character widths.
Otherwise, it returns 0 on an error.
A driver calls this function, when processing its GetCharWidth function, to
retrieve widths for characters in the specified engine font.
See Also