Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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typedef struct tagGDIINFO {
    short  int                dpVersion;
    short  int                dpTechnology;
    short  int                dpHorzSize;
    short  int                dpVertSize;
    short  int                dpHorzRes;
    short  int                dpVertRes;
    short  int                dpBitsPixel;
    short  int                dpPlanes;
    short  int                dpNumBrushes;
    short  int                dpNumPens;
    short  int                futureuse;
    short  int                dpNumFonts;
    short  int                dpNumColors;
    unsigned  short  int      dpDEVICEsize;
    unsigned  short  int      dpCurves;
    unsigned  short  int      dpLines;
    unsigned  short  int      dpPolygonals
    unsigned  short  int      dpText;
    unsigned  short  int      dpClip;
    unsigned  short  int      dpRaster;
    short  int                dpAspectX;
    short  int                dpAspectY;
    short  int                dpAspectXY;
    short  int                dpStyleLen;
    POINT                     dpMLoWin;
    POINT                     dpMLoVpt;
    POINT                     dpMHiWin;
    POINT                     dpMHiVpt;
    POINT                     dpELoWin;
    POINT                     dpELoVpt;
    POINT                     dpEHiWin;
    POINT                     dpEHiVpt;
    POINT                     dpTwpWin;
    POINT                     dpTwpVpt;
    short  int                dpLogPixelsX;
    short  int                dpLogPixelsY;
    short  int                dpDCManage;
    short  int                dpCaps1;
    long   int                dpSpotSizeX;
    long   int                dpSpotSizeY;
    short  int                dpPalColors;
    short  int                dpPalReserved;
    short  int                dpPalResolution;
The GDIINFO structure contains information about graphics devices supported
by the device driver. GDI retrieves this structure when it loads the driver
and uses the information in the structure to initialize the driver.
Member           Description
dpVersion        Specifies the version number. The high-order byte specifies
                 the major version, the low-order byte the minor version.
                 For example, in a device driver developed for Windows 3.1,
                 this member should contain 0x030A.
dpTechnology     Specifies the device technology. It can be one of the
                 following values.
                 Value              Meaning
                 DT_PLOTTER (0)     Vector plotter
                 DT_RASDISPLAY (1)  Raster display
                 DT_RASPRINTER (2)  Raster printer
                 DT_RASCAMERA (3)   Raster camera
                 DT_CHARSTREAM (4)  Character stream, PLP
                 DT_METAFILE (5)    Metafile, VDM
                 DT_DISPFILE (6)    Display file
dpHorzSize       Specifies the width of the physical display surface in
dpVertSize       Specifies the height of the physical display surface in
dpHorzRes        Specifies the width of the display surface in pixels. For
                 nonraster devices, this width is equivalent to the number
                 of vertical grid lines used by the device to plot points on
                 the display surface. In such cases, a pixel is defined to
                 be the smallest mark the device can draw.
dpVertRes        Specifies the height of the display in raster lines. For
                 nonraster devices, this height is equivalent to the number
                 of horizontal grid lines used by the device to plot points
                 on the display surface. In such cases, a raster line is
                 equivalent to a gridline.
dpBitsPixel      Specifies the number of adjacent bits on each plane
                 required to define a single pixel.
dpPlanes         Specifies the number of planes required to define the
                 pixels. For a typical raster device with red, green, and
                 blue bit planes (such as a 3-plane EGA), this member is 3.
dpNumBrushes     Specifies the number of device-specific brushes supported
                 by this device.
dpNumPens        Specifies the number of device-specific pens supported by
                 this device.
futureuse        Reserved; do not use.
dpNumFonts       Specifies the number of device-specific fonts supported by
                 this device.
dpNumColors      Specifies the number of entries in the color table for this
                 device or the number of reserved colors for palette-capable
dpDEVICEsize     Specifies the size (in bytes) of the PDEVICE structure for
                 this device. It must be at least two bytes.
dpCurves         Specifies whether the device driver can perform circles,
                 pie wedges, chord arcs, and ellipses. The dpCurves member
                 also specifies whether the interior of those figures that
                 can be handled can be brushed in, and whether the borders
                 of those figures that can be handled can be drawn with wide
                 lines, styled lines, or lines that are both wide and
                 styled. The dpCurves member can be a combination of the
                 following values.
                 Value                   Meaning
                 CC_NONE (0x0000)        Curves not supported.
                 CC_CIRCLES (0x0001)     Can perform circles.
                 CC_PIE (0x0002)         Can perform pie wedges.
                 CC_CHORD (0x0004)       Can perform chord arcs.
                 CC_ELLIPSES (0x0008)    Can perform ellipses.
                 CC_WIDE (0x0010)        Can perform wide lines.
                 CC_STYLED (0x0020)      Can perform styled lines.
                 CC_WIDESTYLED (0x0040)  Can perform lines that are wide and
                 CC_INTERIORS (0x0080)   Can perform interiors.
                 CC_ROUNDRECT (0x0100)   Can perform round rectangles.
                 All other values are reserved.
dpLines          Specifies whether the device driver can perform polylines
                 and lines. The dpLines member also specifies whether the
                 interior of those figures that can be handled can be
                 brushed in, and whether the borders of those figures that
                 can be handled can be drawn with wide lines, styled lines,
                 or lines that are both wide and styled. The dpLines member
                 can be a combination of the following values.
                 Value                   Meaning
                 LC_NONE (0x0000)        Lines not supported.
                 LC_POLYLINE (0x0002)    Can perform polylines.
                 LC_WIDE (0x0010)        Can perform wide lines.
                 LC_STYLED (0x0020)      Can perform styled lines.
                 LC_WIDESTYLED (0x0040)  Can perform wide styled lines.
                 LC_INTERIORS (0x0080)   Can perform interiors.
                 All other values are reserved. The high byte must be zero.
dpPolygonals     Specifies whether the device driver can perform polygons,
                 rectangles, and scan lines. The dpPolygonals member also
                 specifies whether the interior of those figures that can be
                 handled can be brushed in, and whether the borders of those
                 figures that can be handled can be drawn with wide lines,
                 styled lines, or lines that are both wide and styled. The
                 dpPolygonals member can be a combination of the following
                 Value                    Meaning
                 PC_NONE (0x0000)         Polygons not supported.
                 PC_ALTPOLYGON (0x0001)   Can perform alternate-fill
                 PC_RECTANGLE (0x0002)    Can perform rectangles.
                 PC_WINDPOLYGON (0x0004)  Can perform winding-number-fill
                 PC_SCANLINE (0x0008)     Can perform scan lines.
                 PC_WIDE (0x0010)         Can perform wide borders.
                 PC_STYLED (0x0020)       Can perform styled borders.
                 PC_WIDESTYLED (0x0040)   Can perform borders that are wide
                                          and styled.
                 PC_INTERIORS (0x0080)    Can perform interiors.
                 All other values are reserved. The high byte must be zero.
dpText           Specifies the level of text support the device driver
                 provides. The dpText member can be a combination of the
                 following values.
                 Value                     Meaning
                 TC_OP_CHARACTER (0x0001)  Can generate character-precision
                                           text. If this value is not given
                                           (or implied by the TC_OP_STROKE
                                           value), the driver can generate
                                           string-precision text only.
                 TC_OP_STROKE (0x0002)     Can generate stroke-precision
                                           text. The value implies the
                                           TC_OP_CHARACTER value.
                 TC_CP_STROKE (0x0004)     Can draw partially clipped
                                           characters. If this value is not
                                           given, the character must be
                                           entirely within the clipping
                                           region to be drawn.
                 TC_CR_90 (0x0008)         Can rotate characters in
                                           90-degree increments. If this
                                           value is not given (or implied by
                                           the TC_CR_ANY value), the driver
                                           can not rotate text.
                 TC_CR_ANY (0x0010)        Can rotate characters to any
                                           angle. This value implies the
                                           TC_CR_90 value.
                 TC_SF_X_YINDEP (0x0020)   Can scale characters
                                           independently along the x- and
                                           y-axes. If this value is not
                                           given, the driver may be able to
                                           scale characters but not
                                           independently along the axes.
                 TC_SA_DOUBLE (0x0040)     Can scale characters by doubling.
                                           If this value is not given (or
                                           implied by the TC_SA_INTEGER or
                                           TC_SA_CONTIN values), the driver
                                           cannot scale text.
                 TC_SA_INTEGER (0x0080)    Can scale characters by integral
                                           multiples. This value implies the
                                           TC_SA_DOUBLE value.
                 TC_SA_CONTIN (0x0100)     Can scale characters by any
                                           multiple. This value implies the
                                           TC_SA_DOUBLE and TC_SA_INTEGER
                 TC_EA_DOUBLE (0x0200)     Can generate bold characters by
                                           doubling the weight. If this
                                           value is not given, the driver
                                           cannot modify character weights.
                 TC_IA_ABLE (0x0400)       Can generate italic characters by
                 TC_UA_ABLE (0x0800)       Can generate underlined
                 TC_SO_ABLE (0x1000)       Can generate struck-out
                 TC_RA_ABLE (0x2000)       Can use raster fonts to generate
                 TC_VA_ABLE (0x4000)       Can use vector fonts to generate
                 TC_RESERVED (0x8000)      Reserved; must be zero.
                 If a device claims to have an ability, it must have it for
                 all fonts, whether realized by the device or provided by
dpClip           Specifies whether the device can clip output. This member
                 can be one of the following values.
                 Value             Meaning
                 CP_NONE (0)       Device cannot clip.
                 CP_RECTANGLE (1)  Device can output using a single
                 CP_REGION (2)     Device can output using a region (which
                                   may be several rectangles).
dpRaster         Specifies raster abilities. This member can be a
                 combination of the following values.
                 Value                     Meaning
                 RC_NONE (0x0000)          Device has no raster
                 RC_BITBLT (0x0001)        Can transfer bitmaps. The driver
                                           exports the BitBlt function.
                 RC_BANDING (0x0002)       Requires banding support.
                 RC_SCALING (0x0004)       Requires scaling support.
                 RC_BITMAP64 (0x0008)      Supports bitmaps that are larger
                                           than 64K bytes.
                 RC_GDI20_OUTPUT (0x0010)  Supports the Windows 2.x
                                           functions. The driver exports the
                                           ExtTextOut, GetCharWidth, and
                                           FastBorder functions.
                 RC_GDI20_STATE (0x0020)   Supports state blocks in device
                 RC_SAVEBITMAP (0x0040)    Saves bitmaps locally in "shadow"
                                           memory. Driver exports the
                                           SaveScreenBitmap function.
                 RC_DI_BITMAP (0x0080)     Can get and set
                                           device-independent bitmaps
                                           (DIBs). The Driver exports the
                                           DeviceBitmapBits function.
                 RC_PALETTE (0x0100)       Can do color-palette management.
                 RC_DIBTODEV (0x0200)      Can transfer device-independent
                                           bitmaps directly to device. The
                                           driver exports the
                                           SetDIBitsToDevice function.
                 RC_BIGFONT (0x0400)       Supports Windows 3.x fonts. If
                                           this value is not given, GDI
                                           ensures that the driver receives
                                           Windows 2.x fonts only.
                 RC_STRETCHBLT (0x0800)    Can stretch and compress bitmaps
                                           while transferring the bitmap.
                                           The driver exports the
                                           StretchBlt function.
                 RC_FLOODFILL (0x1000)     Can perform flood filling. The
                                           driver exports the FloodFill
                 RC_STRETCHDIB (0x2000)    Can stretch and compress
                                           device-independent bitmaps while
                                           transferring the bitmap. The
                                           driver exports the StretchDIBits
                 RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT (0x4000)  Can fill opaque rectangle and set
                                           character widths on calls to the
                                           ExtTextOut function.
                 RC_DEVBITS (0x8000)       Supports device bitmaps. Driver
                                           exports the BitmapBits and
                                           SelectBitmap function.
dpAspectX        Specifies the relative width of a device pixel. This value,
                 in the range 1 to 1000, helps specify the device's aspect
dpAspectY        Specifies the relative height of a device pixel. This
                 value, in the range 1 to 1000, helps specify the device's
                 aspect ratio.
dpAspectXY       Specifies the relative diagonal width of a device pixel.
                 This value, in the range 1 to 1000, helps specify the
                 device's aspect ratio. It must be equal to the square root
                 of the sum of the squares of the dpAspectX and dpAspectY
dpStyleLen       Specifies the minimum length of a dot generated by a styled
                 pen. The length is relative to the width of a device pixel
                 and should be given in the same units as the dpAspectX
                 member. For example, if dpAspectX is 5 and the minimum
                 length required is 3 pixels, the dpStyleLen member should
                 be 15.
dpMLoWin         Specifies the width and height of the metric (low
                 resolution) window. Width is dpHorzSize*10; height is
dpMLoVpt         Specifies the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the
                 metric (low resolution) viewport. Horizontal is dpHorzRes;
                 vertical is -dpVertRes.
dpMHiWin         Specifies the width and height of the metric (high
                 resolution) window. Width is dpHorzSize*100; height is
dpMHiVpt         Specifies the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the
                 metric (high resolution) viewport. Horizontal is dpHorzRes;
                 vertical is -dpVertRes.
dpELoWin         Specifies the width and height of the English (low
                 resolution) window. Width is dpHorzSize*1000; height is
dpELoVpt         Specifies the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the
                 English (low resolution) viewport. Horizontal is
                 dpHorzRes*254; vertical is -dpVertRes*254.
dpEHiWin         Specifies the width and height of the English (high
                 resolution) window. Width is dpHorzSize*10,000; height is
dpEHiVpt         Specifies the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the
                 English (high resolution) viewport. Horizontal is
                 dpHorzRes*254; vertical is -dpVertRes*254.
dpTwpWin         Specifies the width and height of the twip window. There
                 are 20 twips per 1 printer's point and 72 printer's points
                 per inch. Width is dpHorzSize*14400; height is
dpTwpVpt         Specifies the horizontal and vertical resolutions of the
                 twip viewport. Horizontal is dpHorzRes*254; vertical is
dpLogPixelsX     Specifies the number of pixels per logical inch along a
                 horizontal line on the display surface. This is used to
                 match fonts.
dpLogPixelsY     Specifies the number of pixels per logical inch along a
                 vertical line on the display surface. This is used to match
dpDCManage       Specifies whether the device driver can manage multiple
                 device contexts (DC). This member can be one of the
                 following values.
                 Value                   Meaning
                 0x0000                  Driver allows multiple DCs. It
                                         creates a new PDEVICE for each DC
                                         that specifies a new device and
                                         filename pair, but uses the same
                                         PDEVICE for any subsequent DCs that
                                         specify the same device and
                                         filename pair.
                 DC_SPDEVICE (0x0001)    Driver allows multiple DCs but it
                                         creates a new PDEVICE for each DC
                                         regardless of whether the device
                                         and filename pairs are the same.
                 DC_1PDEVICE (0x0002)    Driver allows multiple DCs but only
                                         if all DCs have unique device and
                                         filename pairs. The driver creates
                                         a PDEVICE for each DC. The driver
                                         returns an error on any attempt to
                                         create a second DC with an existing
                                         device and filename pair.
                 DC_IGNOREDFNP (0x0004)  Driver allows multiple DCs but only
                                         creates one PDEVICE. All DCs share
                                         the same PDEVICE regardless of the
                                         device and filename pairs.
                 0x0006                  Driver allows only one DC. The
                                         driver returns an error on any
                                         attempt to create a second DC.
                 The values 0x0003, 0x0005, and 0x0007 are not valid and
                 must not be used.
dpCaps1          Specifies additional raster abilities. The member can be
                 one of the following values.
                 Value                    Meaning
                 C1_TRANSPARENT (0x0001)  Performs BitBlt and StretchBlt
                                          functions with a transparent
                 TC_TT_ABLE (0x0002)      Informs GDI that the driver is
                                          capable of producing TrueType as
                                          raster fonts. The driver must call
                                          the dmExtTextOut function to draw
                                          the raster font into the bitmap.
                                          The value is similar to
                 All other values are reserved.
dpSpotSizeX      Specifies the horizontal spot size for TrueType fonts on
                 this device.
dpSpotSizeY      Specifies the vertical spot size for TrueType fonts on this
dpPalColors      Specifies the total number of simultaneous colors available
                 in Windows 3.x for palette-capable devices.
                 Nonpalette-capable devices ignore this value.
dpPalReserved    Specifies the even number of reserved system colors
                 available in Windows 3.x for palette-capable devices.
                 Nonpalette-capable devices ignore this value.
dpPalResolution  Specifies the palette resolution, which equals the number
                 of bits going into video DACS. Nonpalette-capable devices
                 ignore this value.
The dpText member requires that for each precision level that the precision
levels below it are also set. For example, the TC_SA_INTEGER value requires
that the the TC_SA_DOUBLE value be set, and the TC_SA_CONTIN value requires
that all three be set. Since it is required that the lowest precision level
of each ability be supported, no value is provided in dpText for the lowest
level of each ability.
The dpAspectX, dpAspectY, and dpAspectXY members specify the relative width,
height, and diagonal width of a device pixel and correspond directly to the
device's aspect ratio. For devices whose pixels do not have integral
diagonal widths, the member values can be multiplied by a convenient factor
to preserve information. For example, pixels on a device with a 1 to 1
aspect ratio have a diagonal width of 1.414. For good results, the aspect
members should be set to 100, 100, and 141, respectively. For numerical
stability, the member values should be kept under 1000.
The window/viewport pair members are the numerator and denominator of the
scale fraction used to correct for the device aspect ratio, and to set to a
fixed unit of measurement, either metric or English. These numbers should be
integers in the range of -32768 to 32767. When calculating these constants,
out-of-range values can be divided by some number to bring them back into
range as long as the corresponding window or viewport constant is divided by
the same number.
The dpRaster member is also used to indicate a scaling device. If the
RC_SCALING value is set, the device does graphics scaling. Certain devices
perform graphics at one resolution and text at another. Some applications
require that character cells be an integral number of pixels. If a device
reported that its graphics resolution was 75 dpi but its text resolution was
300 dpi, then its character cells would not be an integral number of pixels
(since they were digitized at 300 dpi). To get around this problem, GDI uses
scaling devices. The device driver registers itself as a 300 dpi device and
all the graphics at 300 dpi are scaled to 75 dpi. Any device that scales
must have the RC_SCALING value set. Scaling always reduces the resolution;
it never increases it. GDI calls the Control function with GETSCALINGFACTOR
escape before output to a device. The scaling factor is a shift count that
is a power of two. Therefore, a scaling factor of 2 means reduce by 4, and a
scaling factor of 1 means reduce by 2.
The number of reserved colors on the palette is always 20, with 16
corresponding to the VGA colors and 4 special colors. Half of the reserved
palette colors are placed at the beginning and half at the end of the
See Also