Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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GrabInfo struc
    giDisplayId     db  ?       ;display ID code
    giScrType       db  ?       ;specifies the screen type
    giSizeX         dw  ?       ;x raster size in .1mm units
    giSizeY         dw  ?       ;y raster size in .1mm units
    giCharsX        db  ?       ;# x char cells (columns)
    giCharsY        db  ?       ;# y char cells (rows)
    giMouseScaleX   db  ?       ;x transform for MS-Mouse
    giMouseScaleY   db  ?       ;y transform for MS-Mouse
    giReserved      db  38 dup (?)
GrabInfo ends
The GRABINFO structure contains the current video-context information.
Member         Description
giDisplayId    Specifies the display-identifier code.
giScrType      Specifies the screen type. It can be one of the following
               Value              Meaning
               ST_TEXT (00h)      Screen is alphanumeric.
               ST_GRPH (01h)      Screen is graphics.
               ST_LARGE (02h)     Screen is high-resolution graphics.
               ST_SPECGRAB (04h)  Reserved; do not use.
giSizeX        Specifies the x-raster size in 0.1 millimeter units.
giSizeY        Specifies the y-raster size in 0.1 millimeter units.
giCharsX       Specifies the number of characters cells in a row.
giCharsY       Specifies the number of characters cells in a column.
giMouseScaleX  Specifies the x-transform for the Microsoft Mouse(R).
giMouseScaleY  Specifies the y-transform for the Microsoft Mouse.
giReserved     Reserved; do not use.
See Also