Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Important Notice
The pages on this site contain documentation for very old MS-DOS software, purely for historical purposes. If you're looking for up-to-date documentation, particularly for programming, you should not rely on the information found here, as it will be woefully out of date.
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InfoContext struc
    icDisplayId    db  ?  ;display ID code
    icScrType      db  ?  ;screen type code
    icSizeX        dw  ?  ;horizontal raster size in .1mm units
    icSizeY        dw  ?  ;vertical raster size in .1mm units
    icCharsX       db  ?  ;number of character columns
    icCharsY       db  ?  ;number of character rows
    icMouseScaleX  db  ?  ;mouse to grabber coordinate transform in x
    icMouseScaleY  db  ?  ;mouse to grabber coordinate transform in y
    icPixelsX      dw  ?  ;number of pixels in x
    icPixelsY      dw  ?  ;number of pixels in y
    icWidthBytes   dw  ?  ;width in bytes of a row/scan line
    icBitsPixel    db  ?  ;number of adjacent bits/pixel
    icPlanes       db  ?  ;number of planes per pixel
    icInterlaceS   db  ?  ;interlace-shift factor
    icInterlaceM   db  ?  ;interlace-mask factor
    iclpScr        dd  ?  ;long pointer to screen
    icScrLen       dw  ?  ;current screen-page length
InfoContext ends
The INFOCONTEXT structure is a global structure shared by all the grabbers
and may be considered the non-Windows application version of the GDIINFO
structure for Windows drivers.
Member         Description
icDisplayId    Specifies the display ID code.
icScrType      Specifies the screen-type code.
icSizeX        Specifies the horizontal raster size in .1 millimeter units.
icSizeY        Specifies the vertical raster size in .1 millimeter units.
icCharsX       Specifies the number of character columns.
icCharsY       Specifies the number of character rows.
icMouseScaleX  Specifies the mouse-to-grabber coordinate transform in x.
icMouseScaleY  Specifies the mouse-to-grabber coordinate transform in y.
icPixelsX      Specifies the number of pixels in x.
icPixelsY      Specifies the number of pixels in y.
icWidthBytes   Specifies the width in bytes of a row per scan line.
icBitsPixel    Specifies the number of adjacent bits per pixel.
icPlanes       Specifies the number of planes per pixel.
icInterlaceS   Specifies the interlace-shift factor.
icInterlaceM   Specifies the interlace-mask factor.
iclpScr        Contains the address of the screen.
icScrLen       Specifies the current screen-page length.
INFOCONTEXT is essentially a superset of the GRABINFO structure returned by
the GetInfo entry point. GRABINFO has sufficient reserved space so that this
information may be made available to the Windows layer in the future as well
as allow for more members being added if needed.
See Also