Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BOOL InkReady(lpfn)
LPFN lpfn;   /* pointer to callback function */
The InkReady function notifies the display driver that the Recognition
Context Manager (RC) is ready to ink a path drawn by the pen. The RC Manager
for Pen computing calls this function when the user stroked a path using the
pen. The display driver completes the inking by calling the callback
function pointed to by the lpfn parameter. Depending on whether any other
drawing operation is under way, the driver may call the callback function
immediately or wait for the current drawing operation to complete.
Display drivers that support Pen computing must export the InkReady
Parameter  Description
lpfn       Points to the callback function that completes the inking.
Return Value
The return value is TRUE if it completed the inking (called the callback
function) immediately. Otherwise, it is FALSE to indicate that the display
driver will complete the inking as soon as the current drawing operation is
The export ordinal for this function is 600.
The InkReady function determines whether any other drawing operation is
under way. If not, the function should call the callback function
immediately, and then return TRUE. If a drawing operation is under way,
InkReady must save the callback function address and return FALSE. The
display driver is then responsible for calling the callback function as soon
as the current drawing operation is complete.
The callback function pointed to by lpfn takes no parameters and returns no
See Also