Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Keyboard Driver Functions
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Keyboard_Event      Keyboard-event callback function
AnsiToOem           Translates ANSI characters to OEM characters
AnsiToOemBuff       Translates ANSI characters to OEM characters
Disable             Disables the keyboard driver
Enable              Enables the keyboard driver
EnableKBSysReq      Enables or disables the SYSREQ key
GetKBCodePage       Identifies the current keyboard code page
GetKbdTable         Copies translatin tables into the keyboard driver
GetKeyboardType     Retrieves the keyboard type
GetKeyString        Returns the name of a key
GetTableSeg         Returns discardable table segment address
Inquire             Returns keyboard information
MapVirtualKey       Maps scan and virtual key codes
NewTable            Determines and loads a language-specific library
OEMKeyScan          Maps OEM ASCII codes to scan codes
OemToAnsi           Translates OEM character to ANSI
OemToAnsiBuff       Translates an OEM ASCII string to ANSI
ScreenSwitchEnable  Enables or disables screen switches
SetSpeed            Sets the keyboard repeat rate
ToAscii             Translates virtual key codes to ANSI characters
VkKeyScan           Translates ANSI characters into virtual key codes
KBINFO              Keyboard Information Structure
OEMANSI             OEM/ANSI Translation File
KEYBOARD.DLL        Identifies the language-specific keyboard library
OEMANSI.BIN         Names the codepage translation table
subtype             Sets the keyboard subtype
type                Sets the keyboard type