Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Printer-Specific Graphics Functions
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AdvancedSetUpDialog  Prompts for advanced print-job options
DeviceCapabilities   Retrieves the capabilities of a device
DevInstall           Install or removes a printer
GetEnvironment       Retrieves device environment
SetEnvironment       Sets data for device environment
CreatePQ             Creates a priority queue
DeletePQ             Deletes a priority queue
InsertPQ             Inserts a key and tag into a priority queue
MinPQ                Returns the smallest value item from a priority queue
SizePQ               Changes the size of a priority queue
ExtractPQ            Removes smallest value item from a priority queue
CloseJob             Closes a print job handle
DeleteJob            Deletes a print job
EndSpoolPage         Marks the end of a spooled page
OpenJob              Opens a print job
StartSpoolPage       Marks the start of a spooled page
WriteDialog          Displays a job control dialog box
WriteSpool           Writes printer output to the print job
DDRV                 Driver Description for Printers