Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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short Control(lpDevice, SETALLJUSTVALUES, lpInData, NULL)
LPINT lpInData;
The SETALLJUSTVALUES escape sets all the text justification values that are
used for text output. Text justification is the process of inserting extra
pixels among break characters in a line of text. The space character is
normally used as a break character.
Parameter  Description
lpDevice   Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the destination device.
lpInData   Points to a JUST_VALUE_STRUCT structure that contains the
           justification values.
Return Value
The return value is 1 if the escape is successful. Otherwise, it is 0.
The units used for the nCharExtra and nBreakExtra members in the
JUST_VALUE_STRUCT structure specify font units, and are dependent on whether
or not relative character widths were enabled with the ENABLERELATIVEWIDTHS
The values set with this escape will apply to subsequent calls to the
ExtTextOut function. The driver will stop distributing the nCharExtra amount
when it has output of nCharCount characters. It will also stop distributing
the space specified by nBreakExtra when it has output of nBreakCount
characters. A call on the same string to the GetTextExtent (GDI.91)
function, made immediately after the ExtTextOut function, is processed in
the same manner.
To reenable justification with the SetTextJustification (GDI.10) and
SetTextCharacterExtra (GDI.8) functions, an application should call
SETALLJUSTVALUES and set the members nCharExtra and nBreakExtra to zero.
See Also