Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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BOOL SelectBitmap(lpDevice, lpPrevBitmap, lpBitmap, fFlags)
LPBITMAP lpPrevBitmap;
LPBITMAP lpBitmap;
DWORD fFlags;
The SelectBitmap function selects a bitmap into the specified device,
replacing the previous bitmap. If the driver supports device bitmaps, GDI
calls this function when an application calls the SelectObject function
(GDI.45) to select a bitmap.
A graphics device driver must export the SelectBitmap function if the
RC_DEVBITS value is set in the dpRaster member of the driver's GDIINFO
Parameter     Description
lpDevice      Points to a PDEVICE structure specifying the device for which
              the bitmap is to be selected.
lpPrevBitmap  Points to a PBITMAP structure specifying the previously
              selected device bitmap.
lpBitmap      Points to a PBITMAP structure specifying the device bitmap to
fFlags        Specifies the actions to take while selecting the bitmap.
              Support for this parameter is not currently implemented; the
              parameter must be zero.
Return Value
This function returns 1 if it is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.
The export ordinal for this function is 29.
The lpPrevBitmap and lpBitmap parameters may point to either main memory or
device bitmaps. The SelectBitmap function must determine the bitmap type and
carry out any device-specific operations to select or cancel the selected
device bitmaps.
See Also
BitmapBits, RealizeObject