Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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void SetPaintFnt(lpPntStruc, lpWidFullScr, lpHeightFullScr)
LPINT lpWidFullScr;
LPINT lpHeightFullScr;
The SetPaintFnt function sets the font for painting so that WINOLDAP can
compute the paint rectangle for use on calls to the PaintScreen function.
This function is called right before a call to PaintScreen. It is also
called before a call to the UpdateScreen function.
Parameter        Description
lpPntStruc       Points to an EXTPAINTSTRUC structure.
lpWidFullScr     Points to a 16-bit buffer that receives the full screen
                 width. The width is in pixels for graphics mode and in
                 characters for text mode.
lpHeightFullScr  Points to a 16-bit buffer that receives the full screen
                 height. The height is in scan lines for graphics mode and
                 in text lines for text mode.
Return Value
The return value specifies the value of the height and width of the full
screen. The high-order 16 bits specifies the height in scan lines for
graphics mode and in text lines for text mode. The low-order 16 bits
specifies the width in pixels for graphics mode and in characters for text
The export ordinal for this function is 11.
This function sets the FntHgt and FntWid members in the EXTPAINTSTRUC to the
width and height of the font. The function sets these members to zero if the
display mode is graphics.
See Also
PaintScreen, UpdateScreen, EXTPAINTSTRUC