Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (
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typedef struct tagTEXTXFORM {
short txfHeight;
short txfWidth;
short txfEscapement;
short txfOrientation;
short txfWeight;
char txfItalic;
char txfUnderline;
char txfStrikeOut;
char txfOutPrecision;
char txfClipPrecision;
short txfAccelerator;
short txfOverhang;
The TEXTXFORM structure contains information describing the actual
appearance of text as displayed by the device. The StrBlt and ExtTextOut
functions check the the TEXTXFORM structure to determine what additional
actions are required to generate the desired text from the specified
physical font.
Member Description
txfHeight Specifies the height of characters (ascent + descent) in
device units.
txfWidth Specifies the width in device units of the bounding box of
the letter "X."
txfEscapement Specifies the angle in tenths of a degree counterclockwise
from the x-axis of the vector passing through the origin
of all the characters in the string.
txfOrientation Specifies the angle in tenths of a degree counterclockwise
from the x-axis of the baseline of the character.
txfWeight Specifies the weight of the font ranging from 1 to 1000,
with 400 being the value for the standard font.
txfItalic Specifies whether the font is to be italic. If the low bit
is set, the font is to be italic. All the other bits must
be zero.
txfUnderline Specifies whether the font is to be underlined. If the low
bit is set, the font is to be underlined. All the other
bits must be zero.
txfStrikeOut Specifies whether to strike out the font. If the low bit
is set, the font is to be struck out. All the other bits
must be zero.
txfOutPrecision Specifies the required output precision for text. This
member can have one of the following values.
Value Meaning
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
OUT_STRING_PRECIS (0x01) Chooses the font whose size
(height and width) most
closely matches the requested
size. The driver may
disregard the requested
orientation and escapement,
but other attributes must
OUT_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x02) Chooses the font whose size
(height and width) most
closely matches the requested
size. The driver may
disregard the requested
orientation, but other
attributes must match.
OUT_STROKE_PRECIS (0x03) Chooses a font whose
attributes exactly match the
requested attributes.
txfClipPrecision Specifies the required clipping precision for text. This
member can have one of the following values.
Value Meaning
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS (0x00) Chooses a reasonable font.
CLIP_CHARACTER_PRECIS (0x01) Chooses a font that allows
clipping of individual
characters. The driver must
be able to clip a character
if any portion of it lies
outside the clipping
CLIP_STROKE_PRECIS (0x02) Chooses a font that allows
clipping of portions of a
character. The driver must
be able to clip any portion
of a character that lies
outside the clipping
txfAccelerator Specifies the requested text modifications using the same
format as the the dpText member in the GDIINFO structure.
Each bit in this member is set if the corresponding
ability is required to modify the physical font into the
requested font.
txfOverhang Specifies same information as the tmOverhang member in the
TEXTMETRIC structure. This member is set by the device for
device-realized fonts and is in device units. GDI uses
additional overhang if it makes the font bold.
Although most of the members in the TEXTXFORM structure correspond to the
members in the LFONT structure, these members may not always exactly match.
For example, if the logical font specified a 19-unit font at string
precision and the closest available was a 9-unit font on a device capable of
doubling, then the txfHeight member in the structure is 18.
A driver should check the dpText member in its GDIINFO structure to
determine whether the driver can carry out the requested text modifications.
In particular, the driver should check the bitwise difference between the
txfAccelerator member and the dpText member to determine what abilities it
should simulate. If the driver can not carry out the modifications, GDI is
responsible for simulating the required modifications.
See Also
EngineRealizeFont, ExtTextOut, StrBlt