Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
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WORD WNetWatchQueue(hWnd, szLocal, szUser, nQueue)
HWND hWnd;
LPSTR szLocal;
LPSTR szUser;
WORD nQueue;
The WNetWatchQueue function instructs the driver to post messages to Print
Manager whenever the specified remote queue changes status. Print Manager
watches each redirected device or any active printer ports specified in
Control Panel.
Parameter  Description
hWnd       Identifies the window that should be notified when the status of
           a job in the queue changes.
szLocal    Points to a null-terminated name of a local device (such as LPT1)
           that has been redirected to a network print queue.
szUser     Points to a null-terminated user name. If the szUser parameter is
           not NULL, the function only notifies Print Manager of changes
           involving jobs that belong to that user name.
nQueue     Specifies an arbitrary value to be used as the wParam value when
           notifying Print Manager of changes to the queue. This value
           allows Print Manager to determine which queue to refresh.
Return Value
The return value is one of the following values.
Value              Meaning
WN_ALREADY_LOCKED  Local device already being watched.
WN_BAD_LOCALNAME   Invalid local device name or local device not
WN_BAD_POINTER     Invalid pointer.
WN_BAD_VALUE       Invalid window handle.
WN_NET_ERROR       Network error.
WN_NOT_SUPPORTED   Function not supported.
WN_OUT_OF_MEMORY   Out of memory.
WN_SUCCESS         Success.
The export ordinal for this function is 8.