Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Color-Table Resource
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The color-table resource (defined by the COLORTAB.BIN file which contains
the COLORTABLE structure) contains a list of the colors that are to appear
in the Control Panel's Color dialog box. This table should contain all the
solid colors that are representable as RGB values as well any patterned
colors that are reasonably close to the colors of the 8514/a display under
Windows 3.1. The table may contain up to 48 RGB values. It is not necessary
for RGBs to be exact across all drivers, but it is important for color
representations to be similar. This accounts for variations in dithering
algorithms of different display drivers.
For Windows 3.1, the recommended default system color values for 16- and
256-color displays are new. In particular, several system colors that were
patterned (dithered) in Windows 3.0 have been changed to solids to improve
performance and visibility on interlaced displays. For color drivers
intended for use on general purpose color displays, the default desktop
colors should always be solid colors. For 4bpp drivers, the default colors
should be the same as used by the Windows 3.1 VGA driver. For 8bpp drivers,
the default colors should be the same as used by the Windows 3.1 8514/a
driver. See CONFIG.BIN for a list of these default colors.
In Windows 3.1, the CONFIG.BIN resource has been expanded to include the
clrInactiveCaptionText member. This member specifies the color of the text
in the title bar of an inactive window.
For a complete description of the default system colors and the
clrInactiveCaptionText member, see the CONFIG.BIN resource.