Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About Display-Driver Resources
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Display drivers contain most of the cursors, icons, and bitmaps that use
Windows. They are supplied by the display driver to account for the aspect
ratio and resolution of the display adapter. Also, the definitions of
certain system parameters (for example, default colors and border widths)
are supplied by the display driver. All of this information is supplied as
resources that are added to the driver by the resource compiler (RC.EXE).
A display driver requires the following resources.
Resource                 Description
Stock fonts              The stock-font resource defines the characteristics
                         of the stock-font objects used by Windows.
Configuration            The configuration resource contains information
                         about default system colors, line widths, cursor
                         sizes, icon sizes, and so on.
Color table              The color table resource contains the color table
                         for Control Panel's Color dialog box.
Icons, cursors, bitmaps  The icon, cursor, and bitmap resources define the
                         shape and appearance of various elements of the
                         Windows desktop.