Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
About the Keyboard Driver
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The keyboard driver consists of two parts: the main driver and a set of
language-specific dynamic-link libraries. The main driver services the
keyboard hardware and translates scan and virtual-key codes using default
translation tables for U.S. keyboards. The language-specific libraries
contain translation tables for different types of keyboards (that is, tables
for other countries and other physical keyboard layouts). The main driver
loads the appropriate language-specific library and retrieves its tables
when Windows enables the keyboard driver.
The Windows keyboard driver consists of the following:
♦  Keyboard-interrupt handler
♦  Virtual-key translation functions and tables
♦  ANSI-character translation functions and tables
♦  Keyboard-service functions
Windows requires the keyboard to generate an interrupt whenever the user
presses or releases a key. In response to an interrupt, the driver's
keyboard-interrupt handler translates corresponding scan codes (and
corresponding shift state) to Windows virtual-key codes. The keyboard passes
both scan codes and virtual-key codes to Windows for generating keyboard
messages, or for initiating some other action.