Windows 3.1 Device Drivers (ddag31qh.hlp) (Table of Contents; Topic list)
Printer Entries in the WIN.INI File
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Printer drivers that support more than one model should now record current
printer settings for each model even if the models use the same port. A
driver records the printer settings for a given model by adding to the
WIN.INI file a section having the following form:
[ModelName, Port]
The ModelName specifies the name of the model and Port specifies the output
port current associated with the printer as shown in the following example:
[HP LaserJet IIID, LPT2]
This section must include all printer settings except printer fonts. To
record font information, the driver must add a section having the following
[DeviceName, Port]
The DeviceName specifies the name of the device and the port specifies the
name of the output port associated with the device as shown in the following
This section only lists fonts, including those in external cartridges. Also
this section ensures backward compatibility with third-party font packages
that use this section to add fonts.