dos12.hlp (Table of Contents; Topic list)
DosGetResource (1.2)
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USHORT DosGetResource(hmod, idType, idName, psel)
HMODULE hmod;     /* module handle                             */
USHORT idType;    /* resource-type identifier                  */
USHORT idName;    /* resource-name identifier                  */
PSEL psel;        /* pointer to variable for resource selector */
The DosGetResource function retrieves the specified resource from a
specified executable file. The function allocates a segment, copies the
resource into the segment, and returns the segment selector. A process can
use this segment selector to access the resource directly.
This function is included in MS OS/2 version 1.2 for compatibility purposes
only. All new applications should use the DosGetResource2 function, which
returns a far pointer to the resource, rather than a selector.
Parameter  Description
hmod       Identifies the module that contains the resource. This parameter
           can be either the module handle returned by the DosLoadModule
           function or NULL for the application's module.
idType     Specifies the type of resource to retrieve. For a list of
           predefined types, see the Resource types topic.
idName     Specifies the name of the resource to retrieve.
psel       Points to the variable that receives the selector of the segment
           containing the resource.
Return Value
The return value is zero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is an
error value, which may be one of the following:
See Also
DosGetResource2, DosLoadModule, Resource Compiler